Stories for all Ages all include a visual graphic. Sermons do not have a visual graphic in their post.
Human rights activist Ella Baker spoke the words, “Give people light, and they will find a way.” To me, this speaks to the heart of faith and spirituality. Faith, to me, is hope. Is strength. Is companionship with the sacred and the confidence in life’s inherent goodness and beauty. With these held in one’s heart, any path can be illuminated.
Our individual ideas of faith keep us grounded and persevering no matter what comes our way; our spirituality can give us the strength to trust in something greater than ourselves. This Sunday, we explore the meaning of faith to each one of us, and work to understand how this faith can be present in our daily lives.
After last week’s exploration of Widening the Circle by connecting with our inner, spiritual selves, we now bring this to the world around us. This Sunday, we explore welcoming all of humanity into our midst, both as individuals and as a faith community. This is a necessary catalyst for justice work, and for simply living a full, meaningful, fulfilling life. Together, we are invited to engage…
Buddhism understands intention as a seed – present, but needing nurture and care to truly come to fruition. In response to the problem of suffering, Buddhists follow eight practices, an interlocking set of ways of being that connect mind and body. Present throughout is the thread of intention, the question of where to focus the mind, and how. This Sunday, we reflect on…
It may appear simple, but we often face obstacles in being true to ourselves. We each know, deep within us, who we are and what we want. In putting these truths into practice, we may experience a change within. This Sunday, we are called to let go of the inauthentic.