Stories for all Ages all include a visual graphic. Sermons do not have a visual graphic in their post.
As we transition into our theme of courage, we honor those seemingly small acts of bravery that nonetheless alter the course of our lives. By delving deep into Buddhist practices and ideas, we learn how to intentionally and courageously avoid suffering. Together, we will share wisdom tales and explore the Noble Eightfold Path, gaining direction, skills, and insights that serve to transform the actions, thoughts, and intentions in each of our days.
In commemorating the Jewish High Holidays, we will reflect on the sacred theme of forgiveness. In engaging with Jewish history, we will also examine the hope necessary for the Exodus story. How do these teachings affect us as Unitarian Universalists? How can we use Jewish wisdom to encourage us on our individual journeys of belonging?
What does it mean to belong to Unitarian Universalism? Ours is a faith of hope and love and interconnectedness, encouraging us on our spiritual journeys as we work to make sense of the world around us. This Sunday, we will explore what it means to belong to a covenantal community of those who question, search, and heal.
As we join together to celebrate Water Communion, we marvel at the wild improbability that life exists at all. How can the acknowledgement of this improbability offer deep appreciation for our individual lives? Can life and consciousness be reduced to science, or is this a gift of an unknowable creator? We are made from the dust of stars, but why, and how? In grappling with the unknowable, we find ways to give our life – so very significant in its own insignificance – meaning. Through this reflection, we ground ourselves in intention as we prepare for the spiritual journey of this upcoming church year.
As we join together to celebrate Flower Communion, we reflect on those small, simple treasures offered us from what we hold sacred. How can we re-orient our lives to be aware of these gifts, actively engaging with the beauty that surrounds us? Flowers become a blessing as they remind us of beauty, wholeness, goodness, and simple treasures.