All are welcome to join us for worship Sundays at 10:30 AM.
The service on September 11, 2022 will be multi-platform. Those joining in-person will meet outdoors at the church office on Park Ave. in Ellicott City. Those joining online can use the Zoom details below.
Click this Link on Sunday to Access Zoom Worship.
“Water and Stardust” with Rev. Jane Bennett Smith
As we join together to celebrate Water Communion, we marvel at the wild improbability that life exists at all. How can the acknowledgement of this improbability offer deep appreciation for our individual lives? Can life and consciousness be reduced to science, or is this a gift of an unknowable creator? We are made from the dust of stars, but why, and how? In grappling with the unknowable, we find ways to give our life – so very significant in its own insignificance – meaning. Through this reflection, we ground ourselves in intention as we prepare for the spiritual journey of this upcoming church year.
From Rev. Jane: As we make our way through summer, I invite us to be intentional about noticing those places that feed our souls. Perhaps this is a special destination we travel to, a gathering with those we love, or a walk to center in nature. I invite each of you to collect water from one of these places. When we join together on Sunday, September 11 for our annual Water Communion service, we have a special opportunity to celebrate this water and the story it holds. We will bless the water and join in a ritual to share this water with that from years past, combining this year’s joys with the joys of dedicated members and friends that came before us. I look forward to celebrating this beloved tradition!
For those who already have the Zoom Id for this event, please note that passwords are required for dialing in and you should read the Minister’s emails or the weekly Channing email news, which will include the necessary information.
Please write to for a zoom id for access to this service. We would appreciate your name, email address and (if you plan to dial in) the last 4 digits of your phone number. This will help us keep a safe and secure online service. We would appreciate requests a day ahead, though we will do our best to respond to all who wish to be a part of our service. Thank you for your interest and we look forward to seeing you.
Note: Channing Memorial does not record any online Zoom meeting. Members and prospective participants will be notified in advance if this changes.