All are welcome to join us for worship Sundays at 11:00 AM. The service will be multi-platform, both in-person and streamed onto Zoom. A recording will be available on the church’s YouTube channel no later than the following Tuesday.
“A Welcoming Circle” with Pastor Lora Powell-Haney
Exclusion, writ large (and loud), overwhelms the news cycle and our social media feeds right now. As Unitarian Universalists, we are called to a different way, to draw a circle wide, to radically include rather than exclude. What does that mean, right now? What does it mean for our faith and beyond to create circles of inclusion, that like the Zen exercise of ensō, are fluid, imperfect, and open. Let’s explore inclusion as an act of resilience with song, story, some perfectly imperfect brush strokes, and community-created poetry.
Sundays After — Meet the Anchor Minister
We will hold a brief get-acquainted session immediately following the service. We’ll gather in the small meeting room off the side of the Fellowship Hall, where those who choose (in person and via Zoom) will spend about a half hour introducing ourselves to our Sabbatical Anchor Minister, Pastor Lora Powell-Haney, and vice versa. After the session, Pastor Lora will join the regular coffee hour, in progress, where she will be available to meet and greet folks individually.
About Our Sabbatical Anchor Minister:
Lora Powell-Haney (Pastor Lora) served for nine years as Director of Religious Education (DRE) at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Frederick (UUCF). She graduated from Meadville Lombard Theological School in May 2020 with a Master of Divinity; her study included a ministerial internship at Towson Unitarian Universalist Church in Lutherville, Maryland, and a chaplain residency in Hagerstown, Maryland. She currently serves as interim Director of Family Ministry at Mount Vernon Unitarian Church in Alexandria, Virginia, and as an itinerant preacher, officiant, and pastoral care provider. Lora and her husband Charles live in a small town in Maryland, and try to keep in close touch with three young adult sons who astonish them with their awesomeness. Lora loves reading, drinking tea, building Beloved Community, and standing barefoot on the earth. Visit Lora’s bare bones blog at
For those gathering online:
We are providing a live-stream of the worship service, starting at 11:00 a.m.
If you’re unable to make it to the service in person, please join us on Zoom at our (new as of June 2024) recurring link:
For dialing in:
Meeting ID: 983 3162 9932
Passcode: 121605
Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
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Thank you for your interest and we look forward to seeing you.