All are welcome to join us for worship Sundays at 11:00 AM. The service will be multi-platform, both in-person and streamed onto Zoom. A recording will be available on the church’s YouTube channel no later than the following Tuesday.
“Bearing Witness” featuring a homily written by Heide (Cottam) Gustafson; delivered by Worship Associate, Ostara Hollyoak
As we draw to a close our February theme of “Justice and Equity,” we’ll focus this Sunday on the importance of bearing witness to injustice and suffering in our history and in the world around us.
Heide (Cottam) Gustafson is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Ogden, Utah, and has held many leadership positions in her congregation. Among her achievements as a Unitarian Universalist, in 2018, the UUA’s Mountain Desert District honored her with its “Walk the Talk” Award, which is bestowed on a Unitarian Universalist lay person for living a life that exemplifies Unitarian Universalist principles.
In the piece we’ll hear on Sunday, Ms. Gustafson challenges us to courageously face the wrongs of our past and to resist the urge to comfortably exercise “empathy” from a distance.
Click this Link on Sunday to Access Zoom Worship.
For those who already have the Zoom Id for this event, please note that passwords are required for dialing in and you should read the Minister’s emails or the weekly Channing email news, which will include the necessary information.
Please write to for a zoom id for access to this service. We would appreciate your name, email address and (if you plan to dial in) the last 4 digits of your phone number. This will help us keep a safe and secure online service. We would appreciate requests a day ahead, though we will do our best to respond to all who wish to be a part of our service. Thank you for your interest and we look forward to seeing you.