Loving Hearts, Helping Hands
Channing Memorial Church values religious education for Unitarian Universalists of all ages. Currently, our Religious Education offerings are in transition. Below, you can see what we have offered traditionally and hope to return to in the future! If you have children and are interested in engaging with the church, please send Rev. Jane an email at minister@channingmc.org. The more we know about interested families and children, the more we can offer!
Throughout the year there will be meetings approximately once a month of this ministry group in place of the normal Sunday morning classes. The group will work together to make the world a better place through social justice work in partnership with the Baltimore Humane Society, the Westside Men’s Shelter, and other groups. On meeting days, children and youth (K-12) may be invited to go straight to the meeting at 10:00am, instead of attending the first part of worship.
In 2017-2018, the work of the group included collecting, assembling and delivering the following:
- DVD collection and boredom buster bags for the teen and children’s floors at John’s Hopkins
- Blessing bags to hand out to homeless people in our community
- Made Valentines Day cards for the Westside Men’s shelter
- Wrapped gifts for local families that Channing sponsored for the holidays.
- Collected pet food and supplies for Baltimore Humane society.
- Participated in Howard County Clean Up. Youth cleaned up our parking lot and area surrounding Channing