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Services: Online and In-Person
Held at Epiphany Lutheran Church
9122 Sybert Dr
Ellicott City, MD 21043

Office: 3525 Ellicott Mills Drive, Suite A
Ellicott City, MD 21043
Courthouse Square Office Complex

Sunday Service “What Holds Us Together”

Worship Service (with PRE-READING!) Sunday, August 13th: “What Holds Us Together”

The Sunday service for August 13th will be brought to you by the members of Rev. Jane’s latest “Build Your Own Theology” class (Angela, Kathleen, Ostara, and Virginia). The class was based on Volume 2 Richard S. Gilbert’s, Building Your Own Theology series (Unitarian Universalist Association (2005)). Our theme, “What Holds Us Together,” is based on a chapter from the book. We have two important “heads ups”:
  • A brief selection from the book is linked here. We ask that you read this excerpt prior to the service. And:
  • Since the service will include group discussion, the formal part of worship will be minimized, allowing us time to re-gather in spaces more conducive to a shared exchange. After the chalice extinguishing, those gathering in person will head downstairs to two separate spaces: Those who may have trouble hearing in the larger space may choose to attend the discussion in the smaller classroom space. Others will sit at the tables in the gathering hall. The group meeting in the classroom will also include those participating via Zoom.

Please note that coffee hour, with snacks, will be after the service, as usual– I.e., after the discussion portion of the service. (Also please note that safety is more important than speed when it comes to our re-convening downstairs.)

All are welcome to join us for worship Sundays at 11:00 AM. The service will be multi-platform, both in-person and streamed onto Zoom.  A recording will be available on the church’s YouTube channel later Sunday afternoon.

For those gathering online:

***We are providing a live-stream of the in-person worship service, starting at 11:00 a.m.***  

If you’re unable to make it to the service at Epiphany Lutheran Church, please join us on Zoom. We have a team dedicated to providing multi-platform worship, and you’re invited to contact the team at: with your feedback.  Thank you!

We have a recurring link:

Meeting ID: 974 8353 3297

Passcode: 169586

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