Soul Matters April 2021: Becoming
Dear Channing members and friends
Our theme this month is “Becoming.” As Unitarian Universalists, our Fourth Principle highlights our covenant to join together on a free and responsible search for truth and meaning – constantly becoming. We do this both individually and together through the bonds of our sacred community. Folks on this journey of “becoming” are often moving forward after changing aspects of identity or faith to be in a more honest alignment of one’s true self. Theologian Albert Schweitzer wrote, “The path of awakening is not about becoming who you are. Rather it is about unbecoming who you are not.” Let us each embark on this path, knowing our that community will hold us in the process.
Becoming is our worship theme for April, and the theme for our small groups. These small groups are special because they allow each member to deeply engage with the topic in multiple ways. In preparation for each month’s Small Group, I will send each group member a packet. You are invited to select from this packet one spiritual exercise and one question to reflect on before our meeting together. While reviewing the packet ahead of time is a great way to prepare for group, please do not let a busy schedule deter you from participating. Whatever amount of time you are able to dedicate to preparation is just the right amount of time!
I ask that you sign up ahead of time. Please use the link below. Please provide me your email address so that I can send you the packet for you to review. I will also provide all attendees a Zoom link the day of the Small Group. If the slot that you can attend is full, just let me know. We have opened our small groups to the public to share our gifts with the community. Feel free to invite friends. I am excited to explore the topic of Becoming with you!
Young Adults (20s, 30s, 40s):
Wednesday, April 21 7:30-9pm
All ages:
Saturday, April 24 10-11:30am
Friday, April 30 1-2:30pm
I hope to see you there!
Rev. Jane