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Services: Online and In-Person
Held at Epiphany Lutheran Church
9122 Sybert Dr
Ellicott City, MD 21043

Office: 3525 Ellicott Mills Drive, Suite A
Ellicott City, MD 21043
Courthouse Square Office Complex

Minister’s Musings

In this space we publish the Minister’s Musings for the current month, which is also published in our newsletter.  Please enjoy.

June 2024

Dear Channing members and friends,

Beloveds, I cannot believe our church year is coming to a close! As the temperatures rise, humidity sets in, and the days become longer, I invite us into a reflection of all that we have done and accomplished these past twelve months. Let us pause at this moment to celebrate! 

Just as our Stewardship theme reflected, we are “weaving our nest.” This past year brought us stability.  We signed a lease with Epiphany Lutheran Church, and we signed a lease for office space. We have a more permanent church home. The trials of COVID have eased and we journey together in settled ministry. In this settled time and space, we have brought so much to our beloved community. In reflecting on this past year, I also invite you to dream for all we can accomplish in the years ahead.

In considering this past year, I would be remiss not to mention our change in Music Directors. We say goodbye to our beloved Stephen, who has served us with grace and passion for eight years.  While saying goodbye is difficult, may we celebrate all that lies ahead for this talented musician. We likewise celebrate and welcome Gabbi, who brings with her new talent, passions, and innovative ideas. We look forward to a revitalized choir!

As we settle into our new worship space, we are being intentional in living our values and prioritizing accessibility, even if the work is progressing slower than we may have hoped. Do know that we have a dedicated group of people working to ensure these changes happen. We plan to install an ADA accessible bathroom so everyone can access a restroom.  We can also make this single-stall bathroom gender neutral, so folks of any gender can use the facilities.  Likewise, we are working to make the space and our small groups more accessible to those with hearing impairments.  Our goal is to be as open, welcoming, and inclusive as we can.

This past year has touched my soul as well! We invited new members and friends into our community – look around during coffee hour and see all those new folks who were not present a year ago! We engaged with the broader community, bringing our name and our values to the world.  We had a presence at Pride and at Beans for Bridges. In small group discussions around theology, spirituality, repentance, and fascism, we shared from our hearts, souls, and intellect, engaging with one another in deep and powerful ways. We worshiped together, transformed together, healed together. We invited the sacred into our hearts, souls, minds. We tended to one another’s struggles and needs, holding one another in love and light. We journeyed together through sorrow, grief, and mourning. Likewise, we celebrated! Sharing joy is just as important as sharing pain.  

Let us not forget that work that keeps our church thriving. There are so many dedicated volunteers engaged in committees, teams, and work groups. I want to lift up my appreciation for all of you!  This past year, we did the “behind the scenes” work on a new governance structure we will implement in the upcoming year. Furthermore, the Worship Team streamed our services on Zoom and YouTube. Membership graciously welcomed visitors into the fold with heartfelt emails.  Our Social Justice Team sent out a survey to the church.  Our Care Committee sent our cards to aching souls. And this is only the tip of the iceberg! I encourage you to read the Annual Report to see how much time, talent, and energy has been graciously poured into keeping our beloved, sacred community thriving this past year. 

We are a small and mighty church.  Each of you brings so much to our beloved community.  You are beautiful souls with a thirst for spiritual growth. Your dedication is evident both in the committee work you do and in the ways you care for one another. I am truly blessed to serve as your minister.  I am grateful for each and every one of you and all you offer to our community and our world. After reflecting on this past year, I invite you to dream up what comes next! We continue to “weave our nest” as we settle into stability.  What lies ahead for this blessed group of spiritual seekers? 

As I prepare for summer leave, I encourage each of you to also take some time for rest and renewal. Each of us needs this. Sit with a book, walk in nature, eat some cake! You deserve it.  I look forward to reengaging when I return in August. I’ll send out a note to anyone who would like to meet for tea and cookies. Until then, I hold you in my heart. Blessings on your journey.

With love,

Rev. Jane